
Saturday Sep 11, 2021
Episode 16 Your Nervous System and Regenerating Healthy Nerves
Saturday Sep 11, 2021
Saturday Sep 11, 2021
Show Notes:
Welcome, everybody.
Amy and I are so excited
because we get to talk to you about a magnificent system of the body.
You're using it all day, all night, and you don't even realize it
right until you can't use it anymore.
And that is your nervous system.
So my name is Karen Urbaniak.
I'm a holistic health care practitioner.
Absolutely love the human body.
I am addicted to it as much as people are due to drinking water.
And so if there's anything you want
you to know is that you have found the people, you have found your people
who love your body and love your guts as much as you do, if not more.
OK, like it can happen.
And so let's give a warm welcome to Amy as well.
And again, we're both so excited to be with you. Awesome. Yes.
And not only do we love the human body and love your guts and everything
inside and outside of you, including your microbiome.
But we also have this profound belief
and understanding of the human body is regenerative capabilities.
And that is a message that we're just so dedicated
to sharing with the world, especially when it comes
to systems of the body, like the central nervous system
and all the systems, digestive health, heart health, all of it.
Sometimes people get diagnosed with with a condition related to these systems
or they start to experience degenerative nerve pain
or or some form of of a systematic degeneration.
And we're just here to deliver information to empower people
to know what you can do to get your body back into the driver's
seat of its own health, of helping your body rebuild from the inside out.
We've seen there's
not a system of the body that you can't influence for the better.
And so that's whole college designed to be extremely empowering
because nervous system disorders come in many forms
from related to our just our brain and our mental health to very physical
pains in our feet, in our tissues, in our body and kinks in the neck.
Who here has ever woken up?
And you have like
you just turn your head the wrong way and then it just hurts
to twist your neck all day.
And you're wondering if it's going to be a month before
you can turn your head again or three months or a year.
So there's all these nervous system pains are manifesting
in all these different ways.
So today we're going to be covering how to help take care
of our nervous system, both for physical health and for mental health.
And I love hearing Karen talk about this topic,
because you have been studying this so deeply for the past five years
and neural regeneration is real.
Like say that with me. Neural regeneration is real.
Please do not think because a nerve is not working from point A to point B
that you have to have it taken out or that it's never going to work again.
Please, please, please, please
pass this on to every single person you know.
Neural regeneration is real.
And we're going to give you step by step many ways that you
can regenerate the nerves.
But the number one thing to understand is what is the nervous system?
And so I'm going to kind of just jump in with the four nervous systems
that I talk about all the time,
even though we have the central nervous system,
which, of course, is the brain and the spinal column.
But let's talk about that, because
because when we're looking at the nervous system, peripheral nervous
system, we're looking at 31 pairs of nerves that come out of the brain
and they come down your spinal column and they go through the vertebrae and
the cervical disks. Right.
And they deliver information to organs, glands and tissues.
And before I go any further, I must mention something.
One of my favorite studies I read when I was creating the TNC course,
you know, 10, 15 years ago
was a study done by chiropractors who wanted to show that they are
the ones who could detect how someone died by doing autopsies and biopsies.
And literally a biopsy is the wrong word
and letting people know how their loved ones died. And you know what they did?
They peeled the body back to just the nerves
and they could see which nerves were pinched.
And that is what caused liver failure, heart, the spleen, the burst.
They couldn't see just by looking at the nerves.
That's why chiropractic is so important, right?
Chiropractic puts the cervical discs and the nerves. Right.
And the vertebrae right where they're supposed to be.
So we release that subluxation.
So just please make sure you understand that the number one thing
you can do for your your your
your spinal nerves is just that is making sure
that you are stretching,
that you're doing myofascial, you're going to a chiropractor.
That's super important. I'll keep going.
You also have that.
So that's the first system of the body, kind of considered a break
your box of electricity, and then it runs through the whole body.
And when there's something that pinches or isn't communicating,
we aren't going to have electricity to the bathroom.
Well, if we don't have electricity in the bathroom for a long, long, long
period of time, there can be problems in that area. Right. OK.
You have 12 cranial nerves.
Those 12 cranial nerves also come from the brain
and they come out little special holes in the in the actual head
and they go to your eyes and ears.
Does this cranial except for the vagus nerve you on the meridian?
We're not going to talk about the meridians today
and we're not going to talk about the chakra system.
But those are four electrical systems of the body.
And the main thing we're going to focus on
is going to be the the systems of the peripheral nervous system.
Right, the spinal nerve.
And the cranial nerves and what we can do with the nerves that are running
through our entire body communicating and how to get them unstuck, so to speak.
And I'm I'm done talking about Cleopatra because there's way
too much to talk about.
And that's what we want to get into. So is that cool, Amy?
Yeah, I'm I'm going to do a real quick recap then, of all these
different terms that we hear associated with the nervous system. Hmm.
So your central nervous system
consists of your brain and your spinal column.
So that that those spinal cords, that is like the central nervous system.
So you stripped everything off the human body.
You just had the head dangling in the spinal column.
That's the central nervous system.
The peripheral nervous system is everything that's coming out of that.
So like you're like, you know, peripheral thing, peripheral vision.
It's like, you know, looking to the side.
So your extremities,
your arms, your legs, that's all part of your peripheral nervous system.
So within your peripheral nervous system,
there are actually two kinds of subcategories of your nervous system.
You have your automake nervous system, which are the automatic functions
that are controlling your heartbeat, your digestion,
different physiological processes inside your body
and your autotomic nervous system is going to be in one of two states.
Do you guys remember what those two states are?
Affecting whether your heart's beating really fast or really relaxed
or whether your digestion is like shut off because there's more
important things to do or whether you call me digesting food,
what are the two different states that your atomic number system will be in?
Sympathetic and parasympathetic woo loved it great participation.
So we have sympathetic and parasympathetic.
So those going to be the two states
that your autonomic nervous system is operating in.
You have your other part
of your peripheral nervous system that's called your somatic nervous system.
And this is related to your sensory neuron.
So it's going to be, you know, all these different senses, taste, smell,
touch, pressure, temperature, motor mechanics, electromagnetic frequencies.
These are sending messages into the sensory neurons in your somatic
nervous system. And it's also what controls your voluntary movement.
Even quick, sometimes quick reflexes can also be included in that.
But those are going to be
just when you think somatic things, sensory neurons and think
voluntary movement.
So that's what's going on with your somatic system, that you have your automake
nervous system, which is going to be operating
at or fight or flight rest and digest.
And the somatic and the atomic make up your peripheral
nervous system, which is everything outside of your brain and spinal column.
So that's a quick recap.
If you just Google any of these terms, you'll see beautiful charts
that are that are, you know, graphics sort of like, OK,
you're you have your nervous system, you have your central nervous system,
peripheral nervous system, centrals made up of this peripherals, made up of this.
You can go and look up the charts.
But I just want to give a brief recap
of what all these different terms we're talking about are. All right.
Back to you, Karen. Oh, thank you.
A beautiful recap, by the way.
OK, so this is awesome.
So you have these these nerves that are running through the body. Right.
And those of you who have my book,
you're going to find you're going to find all this on sixty two.
Sixty three, right.
So if you have my book Live you can look at that in 62, 63.
I'm not going to read that, of course, but those nerves are going to come
in a bundle and there's a myelin sheath that wraps around those nerves.
OK, so this myelin sheath is like a protective coating over the nerves.
The number one damage to the Mylan's sheath is sugar. Period.
So you've probably heard of diabetic peripheral neuropathy, right?
So we have this DPN, which happens because there's so much sugar
in the bloodstream that it starts damaging the myelin sheath
and it literally eats the myelin sheath and the nerves can be exposed.
And so what what has to happen inside of that nerve stem?
It's like we need to make all the stem cells have to make more myelin sheath,
more myelin sheath, more myelin sheath. Right.
So we're using up so much energy just to keep protecting the nerves,
protect the nerves, protect the nerves, protect the nerves
because the nerves get damaged.
And what is nerve damage?
What does it lead to? MS. Right.
It leads to all of these issues that deal with these nerve ending issues.
And people ask me, people have literally sat in my office
saying, well, no one can help MS. So I'm like, oh, yeah.
I'm like I've never worked with anybody with M.S. who isn't better.
And I don't mean that in a cocky way, but it's understanding that No.
One, neural regeneration is a very real thing.
Nerve damage is a very real thing.
So we can't be cocky about that.
But we can understand that if we eliminate sugar.
So, yes, this means
one of the kind of diets are a paleo diet or avoiding any kind of sugar
so we can repair the nerves for that first six months. Wonderful.
Now we're going to give you a lot of different ways
to regenerate nerves so we're not done yet.
I just want to make sure
we understood that sugar in the blood is going to damage nerves, period.
If you have a little bit here in there, like tomorrow,
I am going out for a snack tomorrow night.
Mm hmm. There's a really great place
called the Love Boat down here in southern Florida.
And we're going right
because Karen is going to try
a little bit of there and whatever they got going on over there anyhow.
So I can do that because I don't need sugar.
And so my my nerves aren't going to be affected by that.
But someone who constantly eats sugar and drink soda pop and is always
bringing sugar and starches into their body,
they could have nerve damage at some point.
So and by the way,
there's some really cool things that are about the nervous system.
Like you, you have billions, like a hundred billion, you know,
nerves in the brain.
They're extending chemical messengers all the time.
One of my favorite analogies of your brain is I wish I could, like,
peel my skin and my my hair off of my head so you could watch it.
It's like a lightning factory all the time.
All these all the dendrites and the
and the synapses and the axons and all the communication
that is happening every second every millisecond in your nervous system.
You might just go, wow, is all that really happening in here?
So when I'm like, hey,
have you have cranial sacral done or let's check out the meninges.
Those are all parts of the brain.
The head, sorry, not the not the brain that are so important
because they're there.
That's that's what cause it causes comfort.
It can cause discomfort if it's tight and it can cause comfort that dural matter
and the meninges.
So we need to look at this part of the body as a why.
Now we want to avoid concussions, we want to avoid sugar.
We want to avoid damage to the most important part of the body,
which is helping us to communicate. And so anyhow.
And those nerves, by the way, they travel.
Two hundred and seventy miles an hour.
Now, Candy, I might just have to put in there
that we had to get a rental car for three days.
And she did pick the Mustang convertible.
So, yes, if you've seen us in southern Florida going everywhere
and it almost is to 200 miles an hour, but not quite.
Thank you, Candy, for not killing me.
But anyhow, that's how fast you understand, miles an hour,
all of these nerve impulses are flying through our body. Right.
And so that's faster than I can talk.
It's your studio audience did not know that was possible.
We just had a request come in.
So to put this into a first or second
gear for a minute here, but they can always go
in and slow their settings when they watch our videos.
OK, now I can take I can turn it down a little,
but it's exciting and just some really cool things.
I know that I've mentioned how much I love the neural regeneration.
You can literally lose a limb. They can cut off your limb.
They can save those nerves.
And they can literally attach the nerves to whatever
body part they're replacing.
And it will actually communicate and restructure the muscles to work
as it should. Like nerves are unending.
They are amazing.
And it's up to us to keep them healthy, happy and and disease free.
I love that. So thank you so much for covering a little bit
about nutrition and how that affects our body and also about
just how exciting, how many connections are happening throughout our whole body.
So that leads me to what I wanted to talk about next, which is
there are a lot of different things we've heard about
that can help the nervous system.
And sometimes I wonder if we're like, well, what what is like the one
and I'll be all, you know, because we've heard of chiropractic
care and auricular therapy and acupuncture and acupressure.
There's a bunch of lifestyle things that really improve your nervous system,
such as physical activity and weightlifting and doing yoga.
So we're constantly looking at what's the common thread
among all of these things that help the nervous system.
And a really big thing is, is that stimulation to wake up those nerves.
What can happen is and they talk about this
lot in Chinese medicine when they're talking about
the chi and the energy that's flowing through our body.
They talk about sickness.
They would say like, oh, the energy got stuck.
It's not flowing through that part of your body.
That's that's the words they would use for it back in the day.
They're like, oh, the energy is like
there's not the energy is not getting there. It's stuck.
So they weren't calling it neurons and dendrites and axons, but they were saying
some type of electrical messaging is not happening where it should be.
So like, for example, Tai chi, any Tai chi fans out here.
Raise your hand.
OK, we need to get our tai chi up and run our Taic hi club.
But Tai Chi is like moving your body in these movements that just help
bring not only circulation and blood and oxygen, but
also just neural stimulation throughout your body.
And so I loved in the beginning when you were talking about
there are so many ways to help the nervous system,
because what we really do want to do is wake up our nervous system
and like that, for example, people who study and practice acupuncture.
Sometimes people are like,
how the heck could a needle on my shin have anything to do with my pancreas?
That makes no sense at all.
I actually don't know if that's like the Premiere organ,
but does the concept of like, why wouldn't he stick a needle here,
have anything to do with another part of my body?
But that visual that Karen was describing about these neurons
do not think of this
as like a contained system where like you could see your neurons
like these things spread out and branch out and wrap around your organs
and they wrap around your tissues and they wrap around your fingers.
They're all over your body.
And so when you have you know, when you're stimulating certain parts
that are tied through these Meridian pathways
back to your organs, you absolutely are stimulating that area.
And just sheerly waking it up sometimes can be enough for it
to start doing what it needs to do.
And that's what's so cool.
We have so many testimonials of acupuncture and acupressure and
and the people I've spoke to who work at those offices, they're like,
you know what, acupuncture is not going to work
for one hundred percent of people
because it's not always a nervous system issue
that is causing their digestive pain.
It could be like a food intolerance or it could be, you know,
an emotional thing or whatever it is.
So it's not going to work one hundred percent of the time.
But for people where there is a nervous system issue, it can be a life changer.
So I just want to explain, like look
for these common threads among all these different therapies.
And we see a lot of nervous system stimulation.
And this can come right back to like us just getting out in nature
and like even looking.
You guys have heard me
say this like 10 times by now, because it blew my mind when Naranja
sorry, when Nadia Lutz was presenting and how to stimulate the vagus nerve.
And she was talking
about all these techniques for stimulating your vagus nerve.
And you want. The vagus nerve is one of your cranial nerves
that comes down and it wraps all around your whole digestive tract.
So you really want your vagus nerve to be stimulated
so that you have enough acetylcholine so that it triggers digestion.
Or else If you're
if you're deficient in that, your whole digestive process will be inhibited.
And so she was going over all these different ways
to naturally produce enough acetylcholine and stimulate your vagus nerve.
And it was like gargling and it was like looking between
two poles and like stimulating your neck.
And she was taken through all these different ways to stimulate it.
And I was like, man, that would
all of that would have happened
if I grew up in a tribe and I was like running outside
in the woods between two trees.
And I was like accidentally swallowed saltwater and got it.
And got it in my mouth was like, oh,
coughing and gargling,
like all these things would naturally be more of our built environment.
So we kind of live in these like concrete boxes inside,
and we're not getting that type of stimulation or the next stimulation.
We've been social distancing people.
You don't have like awkward relatives giving you unusually long hugs.
That's good for your necks vagal nerve stimulation, my friends.
I'm just saying a new perspective on the on the on the awkward hugs
with the relatives.
But I'm just saying all these things naturally stimulate our nervous system.
And that is what
a lot of the modalities we've been talking about today will do.
The other part that we're about to get into are nutritional, dietary, herbal.
So Karen's going to take it away with some of those.
Those modalities really will help rebuild your nerves from the inside out,
to give your body the building blocks, to build your nerves, myelin sheath,
who knows what primary care primary macronutrient that's made out of.
Is it proteins, fats or carbohydrates for myelin sheath?
That's awesome. Jamie, I saw your mouth that you go, girl.
Yeah, you need the healthy fats to build your myelin sheeth And that's a big reason
why, like elderly patients who are developing Alzheimer's will do
so much better on a higher fat diet, because not only is the healthy fats
helping them regenerate their myelin sheath, but there's a whole train of
thought that that looks at Alzheimer's and that type of nerve nerve damage.
Regeneration is type three diabetes where they're resistant to glucose and sugar.
And so they need the healthy fats to have fuel
and they may need ketones as well. A lot of them do really well.
A lot of all in terms of all disorders out there,
like keto is a therapeutic diet for nervous system disorders.
So if we're talking about diets in terms of therapies, like, yeah,
there's a lot of people who don't need keto day to day, like personally, as like
as someone who like loves swimming and running and all this stuff.
Like, I don't do well without my potatoes and some wild rice and fruit like I will.
I do well with carbohydrates.
But if I had a nervous system disorder and I was trying to protect my myelin
sheath from sugar and really build up the healthy fats, that would be a diet
I would consider at that point.
So anyway, every everyone's different bodies want to throw that out there.
Well, and Amy, can I explain the why behind that?
I'm always the wild person. Right.
And so let me explain pretty please.
So you have these dendrites and then you have the synapse so it can connect right
the axons And so we're looking at that synapse, that area where the break is.
That's where your neurotransmitters work. Right.
And so neurotransmitters go in there and they either allow you to absorb
the product and the neurotransmitter or they or they stop the communication.
So they'll either allow the communication or stopped the communication.
So remember, I grew up with epilepsy. I had seizures. Right.
Ring a bell, have a seizure, fall on the ground.
Quite exciting, right. Fun for a day.
And so neurotransmitters that the neurotransmitter
that I was missing and what I started taking and eating
and actually I just ate the foods high in it was GABA GABA controls
all the electricity in the body because GABA is what goes in.
It allows the communication to go through that synapse.
Right, without GABA.
I wasn't I'd have a seizure, there'd be a block, there'd be something.
So Tourette's and epilepsy and any kind of seizure,
you know, it's a gap, a deficiency, period.
That's the that's the main issue.
So the same thing with the acetylcholine.
That's why when you bring in things like DHEA, right.
That is such a powerful product.
It's like known as the fountain of youth
right now, because people are like, but you can't go buy This is so awesome.
You can't go buy DHEA because that's not how it works.
You don't you don't DHEA It's made in the body and there's foods
you can eat that will help you generate more DHEA.
And so that's when you go into your omega 3s, right?
You're healthy olive oil and all your avocados and your
your chia seeds, flax seed, hemp seeds, all the seeds that are
called the fish oils, salmon. Right.
Even soy we sprouted soy of those products
will literally help the body create its own DHEA.
Now, I see clients on a regular basis. Right.
They and they come in and I'll tell you all those who are needing DHEA.
This is a lecture that they get, but it's not a lecture.
It's quite fun, but it's realizing that it's food.
Food stop going to the health food store and looking for something to take, right?
Oh, my gosh. Go to the produce section and eat something that your body can use.
And so people who are depressed have anxiety, have any
neurotransmitter issue at all.
Please consider eating the foods that will support your body and making DHEA.
It makes it makes all the difference.
And while I'm kind of on that ramp
because we'll get into the list now, that's what we can do to, you know,
to help the rest of our nerves, but be very aware to get every human
being off of aluminum and fluoride, like no aluminum cans,
no aluminum soft drinks no aluminum in the body at all.
Don't cook out of aluminum. Don't drink out of aluminum.
Please don't use aluminum. And my gosh, please don't use fluoride.
Please, please, please consider really researching fluoride because
aluminum and fluoride bind together in the pineal gland, period.
And a lot of you who are kind of waking up to what's going on throughout the world.
Right. Are aware of how important that pineal gland is
and that pineal gland, which looks like a little pinecone. Right.
That pineal gland is one of the most important glands in our entire body.
And we are binding it
whenever we're whenever we have aluminum free-floating in the body and fluoride.
And that is very, very destructive.
And so just be aware that we're going to bring in a whole bunch
of wonderful things and we're going to avoid a few things.
This is also when remember how it
and I forgot to mention this earlier, but I want to throw this in here, though.
Those of you who are working with clients who do any kind of blood reading
áo or biofeedback work,
you're going to you're going to know and recognize the word neutrophils.
Neutrophils actually clean up nerve debri.
So if people have a deficiency of neutrophils,
you can consider, ooh, maybe they're having a problem
with their myelin sheaths breaking down and these nerves are having a problem.
So look at those neutrophil levels and consider we need to build that up
because those blood cells need to be there to help clean up
the mess that might be going on because of too much sugar.
So when we go over the list of products we recommend, some of them are simply
to help remove the glucose from the body like Burberry. Right.
And so there's going to be some things you can do.
Number one, let's eliminate sugar, eliminate some of the grain.
You know, again, your pseudo grains are fine.
You know, quinoa, millet you know, militant, quinoa millet
and Buckwheat and Amaranth, those are all great. But
let's go. OK, Amy, should we just jump in to the list of things?
Yeah. So get your pen and paper out if you guys want to list this.
It's really nice having this written down somewhere because like, for example,
I had a one of my friends who's a doctor on the East Coast called me the other day
because she had debilitating nerve pain from an accident in her lower back.
And all the doctors did was put her
on pain management medication after her accident.
I'm losing it. Sorry.
So she calls me after nine months because
she's like crawling to the bathroom because she can't even move.
I think she did a couple months of physical therapy,
but it didn't do much for her.
And then after that, it was just a cortisol shots in her back
and in her back region and pain management medication.
And she's like, listen, what can I do?
Something's not going on with my nerves, right.
It's debilitating pain.
How am I supposed to work full time as a hospital administrator?
I forget what I did, what her exact task was anyway.
Something awesome, though.
And so I called.
I had a few things for her off the bat, but then I called Karen
and got the rest of this list.
And I'll tell you what, six things I gave her.
Karen is going to go through her whole list,
but then I'll go through the six things that I gave her.
And she's doing so much better now. Yay.
So I celebrate that.
But Karen, if you want to go
through your list first
and then I'll mention my six things that that we gave her after you're done.
OK, so here comes the list, everybody.
And if someone wants to write this up
and then send it to us, that'd be great, too,
because we just kind of rattle all this off all the time.
I was going to mention that.
Anyhow, thank you. I'm assuming Have a couple of lists coming.
And thank you very much to my dear friends.
So omega 3s, right?
Omega 3s, the fish oils, the olive oils, the things that will stimulate
the DHEA superimportant. OK. Water.
What does water do?
Conducts electricity. What are your nerves doing? Things. Zing, zing, zing.
So water, water, water.
Please remember water with minerals added, right? Lemon, lime.
My mineral drops are in here from from hydrazorbtm.
That's those minerals are going to conduct the electricity.
So distilled water.
We still are very big on distilled water that you make at home.
But you need to add your minerals to that, right?
Lemons, apples, minerals.
OK, and then fulvic acid, humic acid You make acid zeolite.
Yeah, it's get those added to that
and then making sure the immune system is strong.
So check those neutrophils. OK,
I'm going to go to like supplements first, Amy, and then I'll mention
some of the things we can do. OK, modalities Yes, exactly.
So B 12 and you can those of those tested NEEM. Right.
And you can you can many ways to take me,
by the way, natto and a great thing.
To go through my list.
I have it over here.
Lion's Mane. Phenomenal for the nervous system.
And I love lions mane I'm a lion.
I'm a lion mane nut foods that contain both lecithin and coline at the same time,
because coline is superimportant with the lecithin.
If you think about that, that's fats, right?
That's fats. And your B complex vitamins and minerals and those vitamins. Sorry.
And those are like eggs, right?
Eggs and sesame seeds.
Those have everything.
The peanuts, the flax and the oats and different meats.
Those will contain all of that at one time. Phenomenal.
Zeolite, zeolite is going to help pull out the heavy metals
that can be interrupting with nerve communication. Right,
because heavy metals can get in there and they can block the synapse.
And so zeolite superimportant.
The zeolite that I take is also from hydrazorbtm.com.
And so I love that zeolites probiotics test people on probiotics.
Make sure if you're using probiotics that you're changing it
every five to six weeks, royal jelly phenomenal. Why?
Because royal Jelly even though its from bees so vegans,
you don't have to have that.
But Royal Jelly is phenomenal.
Has all of your B complex vitamins in it.
Remember, just be pollen alone has every essential amino acid you need.
So like there's a lot of health benefits to the bee products.
Berberine like I mentioned earlier,
berberine ragweed, wonderful tea that you can be drinking
and helping pine needle tea will be helping with nervous system.
Yep. are the ragweed and pine needle tea
because I just get so the berberine helps decrease the sugar in the bloodstream.
berberine will help decrease the sugar naturally the ragweed and pine needles.
Do you know what those do?
They stimulate the nervous system
and there's a lot coming out on pine needle tea I have recipes for it
so I could attach those or we can throw them somewhere,
but pine needles tea a lot of information coming out of it right now
because it's helping
with those who have been vaccinated and have now this communication issue,
because the red blood cells are all stacking together.
And it's it's a problem.
I did want to mention kratom.
So I take kratom Every day its not available yet
because because we're still fine tuning all of it.
And I get to be one of the guinea pigs that Dennis uses all the time.
So it's in this world anyhow.
And so kratom super important for the nervous system.
And we will have more information, specifically on kratom
And you can do some research and you'll be blown away on how it can be used.
We actually have a couple of different kratoms
that we're that I'm testing right now,
but absolutely wonderful for the nervous system.
I wanted to put that out there.
OK. Super fan over there. Good, Rachel. I'm so glad.
Now I'm going to mention the things you can do,
not just the products you can take, but things you can do.
And this is where Amy is going to jump
in when I'm done and mentioned the six that she loves the most myofascial work.
Please, please, please understand Myofascial work
myofascial is different than massage, so please be aware of that as well.
So you have fascia that runs around every bar, every single
every single nerve. Right.
All of these groups have might have myofascia and that
fascia needs to be relaxed.
One in the clients I just had a couple of weeks ago
came in because they were going to strip nerves in her leg.
And I'm like, what?
You know, and I went ahead and did my scan
and we found exactly what nerves they were.
And I sent your right to a fascia specialist, and that was it.
She had two sessions and never needed to have any surgeries. Nothing done.
And I have repeated that scenario 100 times.
And so that happens all of the time when people have nervous system issues.
Please don't just get a massage that's that's different than fascial work.
So myofascial work, very, very big weight lifting, weight lifting.
And this exercise is great too but weight lifting in particular,
because that weight lifting
is what improves the neural connection between the brain and the body.
So when you're weight lifting, it literally connects
and strengthens the nerves between the body and the entire brain.
Right. The brain in the entire body.
So very important to consider
doing some mild or some some good weight lifting the sauna.
Phenomenal, great movement throughout the entire body, relaxing
of the muscle tissues, relaxing of the fascia, just belt.
Just just fantastic stem cells.
You can get some stem cells, right.
They can take some stem cells from your body. Right.
Not from other places that they seem to think it's
humanitarian to get them from.
So stem cells from your body, our cells that don't have a job yet.
So give them a job.
Put them in your nervous system, OK? That's simply how you look at stem cells.
Don't be afraid of them. Don't be like, oh, my gosh, you said stem cells.
Oh, my gosh. Study stem cells are wonderful.
I've done sessions on stem cells before.
So again, stem cells taking them from one part
and putting them into the nervous system. Great results with that.
And then I mentioned exercise and then guasha guasha
is phenomenal scraping the skin. Right.
So those are some of the most important things that I have listed.
And I personally test my clients.
So I'll help 12 or 15 things listed,
and then I will test my clients on those things
to see which ones are going to be the ones that they specifically need right away.
So again, guasha I'm looking
I didn't write it into supplements and then procedures.
I just wrote notes down as I was going.
And I did add a couple of notes here so that
I mentioned kratom This is something I have complete passion about.
I want you all when you are done with this podcast
to go to our website under Karens books and please
read the free book I've written on dysautonomia.
This book was written after four
and a half years of having a daughter that nobody could help.
Not a single medical doctor on the planet,
in our country, outside of our country, no one naturopathic ever.
We went to hundreds and you will see that list of different professionals
that mention them by name, but of people that we had no idea we were dealing with.
We actually were dealing with what's called dysautonomia,
and that is as an issue with the autonomic nervous system.
So her throat would stop.
She couldn't swallow, her stomach would freeze for up to 12 hours or more.
So she'd eat something.
And it was there all night, all morning till the next day. Right.
Her digestive system did not flow.
Her heart did not function properly.
Her lungs wouldn't function anything autonomic automatic in the body
didn't function.
And we have the answers for that.
We really do. It's been an amazing journey.
And I've written all that. It is a free book right now.
And so please jump in there and and sign up to read that, because this
this part of the body of this nervous system, it's
something I have complete passion and love for because it has changed
our life as a family. She is no longer bedridden.
She'd be in a bed and not even able at Christmas time to walk from the
from the bedroom, our bedroom where she slept into the kitchen.
This is how bad it was.
And this all was because of the autonomic nervous system, which I've written about.
I wrote about it years ago in my book, right, but I didn't realize
that these symptoms that she was having were all part of dysautonomia.
So please enjoy that.
And I didn't mean to talk so long, but I wanted to throw that out there.
No, that was awesome Karen And that was awesome.
So, first of all, thank you for that long list.
I know sometimes as listening to this, it can be overwhelming, like, holy cow,
this is a lot of information. How am I supposed to do all this?
Well, the point is, you don't need to do all of it.
What you can do is muscle test or list test or have someone else
who is a practitioner help you create an integrative protocol for yourself
with the best therapies, whether that's the supplements
or some of these modalities of healing we're talking about, and create your own
integrative protocol that's designed for your body type.
Because if you have someone who's dealing with debilitating lower back nerve damage
from an accident, weightlifting is not going to be their first step.
But if you have someone else who's starting the age
and they hate the fact that they feel less and less in control of their body
and integrating some resistance training and some weight training
is going to change everything about the way that they age,
everything so cool, so just make it customized for yourself.
So and just so everyone knows, Time-frame, we are going about
10 more minutes on here and then we'll wrap it up.
So the six things that I discussed with my dear friend.
Going to so you can start writing these down.
I'm just laughing because I really Karen
and I actually did muscle test for her in the other room.
But these are great foundational steps that I think really would apply
to like ninety nine percent of humans.
So the first thing I spoke about with her was,
where are you getting your fats from?
Because our nervous system is made out of fats and our brains made out of fats.
And we all know that some fats will cause inflammation
in the body and some fats will decrease inflammation in the body.
So your body is not distinguishing between inflammatory fats, not inflammatory
fats, not inflammatory fats when it comes to building your body .
So if you're eating like old peanut butter oil on the top, that stops rancid,
I would recommend throwing that out.
Or if it's like deep fried food fats or fats
from pastry or shortening
or any kind of baked good or anything that's not on the healthy fats list
that can actually be contributing to inflammation in your nervous system.
So the first step is switch your source of fats to antiinflammatory,
healthy fats, dietary fats, and maybe get up to 30 percent
plus of your dietary calories coming from healthy fats or we're talking salmon.
Extra virgin olive oil, extra virgin, coconut oil,
raw even better if they're soaked in germinated nuts and seeds.
And for avocados, eggs
are properly sourced animal products anyway.
So those are just that's the first step.
Walnuts are phenomenal.
Is where are you getting your fats from?
The second thing that can really help?
Well, she was dealing with a lot of inflammation.
So you'll notice that a lot of people who deal with nervous pain,
sometimes it's inflammation in the body that's compressing on their nerves.
So bringing down the overall level of information in the body is huge.
So we put her on Golden
milk tea which is you can make that by blending together tumeric Ginger
a little bit of black pepper, because the the pepper is actually going
to activate the curcumin in the tumeric It makes it much more effective.
So throwing a little bit of black or white pepper, you can do some honey
and then some almond butter and just blend that together.
It tastes really delicious.
You can have a hot or cold, but those are a bunch of anti inflammatory
And if you want to throw on some cayenne pepper, you can.
But that if I get too crazy with it, it upsets my stomach.
So I'm more of the mellow golden milk type of gal.
Believe it or not.
So that was the second thing is like we started talking about how to decrease
our overall level of body inflammation.
So golden milk was the second thing.
Then we talked about the modalities myofascial release.
I asked her if she'd ever heard of fascia She said no.
So I briefly explained that we have this this system of fascia
in our bodies that comes in.
It wraps around every organ tissue around the surface of your skin.
Everything in your body is actually held together by fascia
And and there's these major fascia lines that cross your body.
Some come up the front, go on the side, make x's
When you have restrictions in one area, it pulls,
it pulls down and it causes restrictions in other areas of your body.
So if if you've gotten any kind of accident,
there's areas of your body that your fascia just got so tight
and now it's just tight and you're not going to be able
to even move your body, let alone give your neurons
and your nerves space to move around and not be pinched.
If you have all these fascia restrictions.
And so that was a second thing I told her like girlfriend,
you got to go in because you don't know where those restrictions could be.
Nine times out of 10, where the pain is, the problem is not.
Keep that in mind. Repeat that to yourself.
When it comes to body pain, nine times out of 10
where the pain is, the problem is that now one hundred percent of the time.
But I would say nine times out of 10.
So you're going to want to look at like, OK, the pain might be in your lower back,
but where are you having fascia restrictions
that's causing That much tension right there in your lower back.
That could be a full body thing, so myofascial release.
The other modality of
I actually don't think we recommended craniosacral.
I think just myofascial was the very first thing we said for her
back to supplements we did for pain management.
We recommended white willow bark, which is a great herb for pain management.
And they actually they do advise against like using it too
care free, because you can you can develop an addiction
to that the same way you do other pain management medications.
So white willow bark, which she said after she went on white willow
bark and vitamin D with to it, did the same thing as her pain meds did.
Seems like I didn't need to order more of those. So that was awesome.
So she did white willow bark and then vitamin D with K2 is fabulous
for like everything in your body, actually.
But that was another thing that can help not only with pain, but also
your body's communication methods.
It's actually a hormone,
but your hormones in neurotransmitters work together. So Vitamin K2.
And then the last thing was complete tissue and bone by Dr. Christopher.
Complete tissue and bone is herbal complex that's designed to literally
rebuild your body from the inside out tissues and.
And your call, sorry, cartilage.
And is any part of your body it can help decrease inflammation, help
repair the area, because you have to look at if someone's
dealing with pinched nerves, it's not just their nerve that's compromised.
It's the area around it.
Why is there inflammation?
Why is there a subluxation? Why is there
just something that's making that nerve so agitated
and so does anything to help the body heal is going to improve that process.
So those were the the top things, complete tissue and bone, vitamin
K, vitamin D with K2 white willow bark being careful
about her fats, where she was getting her fats myofascial release and golden milk.
Does that sound like an awesome list?
Give me a thumbs up if you're like, whoa, wish I got that type of advice
from my where I normally go for health advice anyway, so. Yeah.
Did you have six? Thanks, Amy.
Yeah, that was six, I believe. What am I what?
You want to read your list off to me. I'll make sure you got them.
Where are you? Where are you getting your fats?
Golden milk tea myofascial release white willow bark Abah
Complete tissue and bone vitamin D, although OK.
Oh yeah. So I threw that in with white willow bark.
I actually should have mentioned Omega's though.
Maybe it was seven things because I we definitely would have put some fish oil.
Yeah. Yeah, that goes along with the healthy fats. Yeah.
We'll just include Omega's Omega 3s with the healthy fats because fish oils like.
Phenomenal, phenomenal.
Make sure you're getting it from a good source.
Also, you can actually be inflammatory so you don't want to do like a low quality,
cheap, cheap fish oil or else that's your inflammatory fat right there.
You're going to want to get like a high quality,
preferably in the refrigerated section of a health food store.
So that was a great list, though. Very exciting.
And then all the other modalities that you could discuss down
the road would be like acupuncture, acupressure,
craniosacral therapy, Karen already mentioned chiropractic care,
auricular therapy, which is, you know, just focusing in on the ears.
There's all these fabulous therapies
that help help get the nervous system communicating again.
And and there are other products. There's different companies.
Doctor Morris, with God's herbs,
there's a lot of companies that make things for the nervous system.
There are particular herbs
that are phenomenal, specifically for the nervous system.
We just want to be aware of of of
of how to regenerate the nerves with this list
and how you can add to what you can see how we brought in some pain relievers,
because when you're dealing with that much pain, your body can't heal
because you're not comfortable, you're not relaxed, you can't sleep well.
So we need to be sleeping. We need to get rid of inflammatory issues.
We need to reduce the pain.
And by the way, if you are in pain or you know, someone in pain,
white will bark and taking doctor doctor Christophers, complete tissue and bone,
that's those two combined is like amazing for pain.
So just just be aware. And there's arnica, there's homoeopathy.
There's so much we're not going to cover everything.
We're going to cover what we recommend,
what I recommend to my clients and what we've seen great work with.
Yeah, arnica is a great one.
Last thing I just want to mention is like this.
This call really has been focused on like your physical nerves themselves,
not necessarily neurotransmitters.
So neurotransmitters are the chemical messengers of the nervous system.
We are this isn't a call about those that could be a whole nother call
where we take a deep dove into serotonin, GABA, dopamine, acetylcholine,
and just what each of these there's like 16 primary neurotransmitters
we can go into, like what these all do in the body
and how we can help balance our neurotransmitters.
So just keep in mind, that's a whole nother discussion
that's also related to your nervous system.
But this call was about your actual physical nerves that are running down
your body, how to keep them from being pinched, how to help them grow,
how to have the materials they need to grow.
Does that all make sense?
I just want to clarify that real quick, because I do that in a couple of weeks.
Amy, that sounds great.
My plan my plan was to do this.
Get this out and then do one on neurotransmitters
so that people can know what to eat, what to do when they have lower
neurotransmitters, some them.
Last thing I need to say and then and then you can wrap it up.
Karen is just like really the value of preventative medicine.
Please, like Tai chi , yoga.
Going for walks in nature.
Any kind of stimulation you can give your nervous system.
There is there is no dollar amount or physical happiness amount
you could place on how effective preventative medicine is in preventing
degeneration of your other nervous system.
It is just so important to have the ability.
In fact, there's chiropractors who are even like
they wish people didn't look at chiropractic care,
just like wanting to line up your spine, because so much of what they do
is actually just stimulating your nervous system.
It's just like waking up that part of your body,
like waking up that
that that that that bone, those nerves heading out of it is not even that
they're always out of line.
It's just sometimes it just needs a little like stimulation or wake it up.
And and so just keep that in mind anyway.
You can wake up your nervous system.
There's just like, oh, it's a lifetime of the little things
will leave you with a more flexible and
pain free body as you age.
Yeah, I just had to throw that out there.
And we are going to wrap up those who are here for our Akol.
We're going to continue that in a minute.
But I just wanted to mention that unlike the doctor who spoke to
the woman that we've worked with just recently, she's on the board of
GGHC that we work with on regeneration of the nerves,
unlike him, who said, oh, here's all you can do is pain relievers.
You now know a lot more.
Do not think because it didn't come from a medical doctor
that it is not real, is not effective or it's not true.
This is something we do.
This is a people you're working with.
You're looking at someone and two people who've worked with a lot of people
with nerve damage who have been able to restore their nerves, restore
and regenerate neurotransmitters, restore and regenerate communication in the body.
One of them being our daughter.
And so this is something we know.
This is something we believe very strongly about.
And now we want to empower you so you can take the same information
and spread to those that you love and those you work with
and those that are in your circle of influence
because healing the body from the inside out, that's possible.
And it's a lot of fun.
If you are new to this and you want to learn more
about our programs, please just don't hesitate to reach out.
Amy does a phenomenal webinar and she takes you through the programs.
We have a phenomenal staff across the world,
and we're here to help you any way we can so that you can become
knowledgeable in all of this to help those that you love.
And it's the best career
you will ever have if you're looking for a career change,
becoming a holistic health coach, or better yet, the TNC .
This is a whole world
where you can influence everyone, you know, and help them for better.
And there's no greater time to to make that change.
But you guys have a wonderful night.
Yeah. And Karen, I was going to say the most fun part is piecing together
the parts. Yeah, I
like it. Oh, am I being by? Am I being.
I thought you told me be quiet. But you were doing that.
No, I was saying like piece together, you know, like
you got to take the best of every modality in every world and put it together here.
So anyway. OK, well, thank you, Karen.
Thank you, everyone, for joining us.
We hope you got some some good ideas about how you can nurture those little nerves.
And we love you so much. Best of luck to you all.
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